Installing Driveway Markers In Tough Soil And Gravel

Installing driveway markers in October is a simple enough task. It’s as easy as hammering a nail into a piece of wood. However, as it gets colder throughout November and December, it can be a labor intensive process. Also, on more compact hard ground, driveway markers can give you fits trying to install. Gravel type applications can be even more challenging.
driveway markers install toolOne of the simplest ways to get your driveway markers into the ground is using our installing tool. This is a simple metal framed tube. It has a small kick plate at the end that allows you to push down with your foot and create a six inch hole for the snow marker to go into. The driveway marker install tool also has a hollow top. You place this over the driveway marker and push down using the tool as a slide hammer. 

Driveway marker installation is a necessary evil in the snow removal business. So as mentioned earlier, try and get your markers in by the end of October or early November. This is the best way to make the install process go smooth and quick.

Below is Discount Snow Stake video showing how to use the driveway marker install tool. If you ever have any questions on anything related to our driveway markers, do not hesitate to ask.

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Driveway markers are in general very easy to install. They are fiberglass so have some rigidity to them that allow them to be driven into the ground very simply. But the driveway marker installation tool really does help make the process much more simply.  Having a quality snow stake allows the product to stay stiff enough to be driven into the ground without any issues. Snow removal companies should focus on good quality snow stakes and get them into the ground early enough to save time and money.

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