There are three main goals Discount Snow Stakes has as a company: To provide our customers with the best quality snow marker possible, to offer our customers the best value stake on the market and to save our customers money. When a company doesn’t forecast the amount of stakes they will need accurately, it costs them money, here’s how.
4 ft fiberglass snow markersFrom what I’ve noticed, the majority of our customers underestimate the amount of fiberglass stakes that they will need, and with good reason, they want to save money. Unfortunately, most of the time, it ends up costing you MORE. In fact, I did some research on the subject. Basically, for all of our customers who ordered 250 or more snow stakes, 15% end up ordering more in the same season. So no big deal right? Check out the break down below.

250 4 ft stakes @ $1.20 = $300
Shipping = $18.95
TOTAL = $318.95 

Now, the customer orders 250 driveway driveway markers a month later when he runs short, ad his total on the stakes is doubled to $637. If the customer orders the correct amount the first time, here would be the costs for the season.

500 4 ft stakes @ $1.08 = $540
Shipping = $23.95
TOTAL = $563.95

fiberglass snow markersOrdering the correct amount of plow stakes the first time not only knocks down the price on the quantity pricing, it also saves a ton of money on the shipping. I get it, contractors don’t know how many snow stakes they’re going to need by eye balling a property, also, you have to wait to get your bids in and contracts accepted, but forecasting properly saves you money, plain and simple. Call us to find out great ways to forecast how many snow markers you will need per season. 

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