ice master 3000 salt spreaderI’m going to be honest with you, finding a reliable walk behind salt spreader is a difficult task. When we first offered spreaders, we had three levels of quality, they ALL had issues. So we went back to the drawing board and came up with a new spreader design altogether. We are very happy with the result.
The reality is, all salt spreaders have the potential to give you fits based on what they are expected to do. First of all, they handle salt which is obviously highly corrosive. They get thrown on and off trucks all winter in frigid temperatures, and finally, the mechanics of a salt spreader have a good amount of moving parts.
area that needs salt spreaderThe key to figuring out which model salt spreader is best for you, is determining how much time you spend preparing and cleaning, how much money you are spending, and what quality level salt spreaders you are actually ordering. Somewhere in these 3 factors, you can see what brand and quality level you should get for your company.
We only offer one model walk behind salty spreader, because the value of the $500 and up spreaders just isn’t there. They have the same problems and the same life. As always, give us a call or comment if you have any questions on brands or quality levels.

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