driveway stakes not usedLarge snow removal contractors have a big responsibility to their properties, keeping them unharmed from the plow trucks. Simply using snow markers to stake these properties literally eliminates the threat of damaging the landscapes you worked so hard to develop and maintain in the spring.
For homeowners & plow contractors that service residences, there is a similar problem. Simply marking the driveway with reflective stakes will save you the time and money of repairing the landscape once the snow clears.
fire hydrant markingI wanted to share a few photos of properties that were not staked with fiberglass markers. Obviously huge costs for repairs. Contractors work so hard to get the account for the snow season and then go back and have to pay for the damage that is caused by the plow trucks. This is a huge cut into profits. Same for homeowners, you pay for all the lawn equipment, retaining walls etc, then a plow truck cant see where the pavement ends and landscape begins which leads directly to damage.
Prepare in before the season and make the investment in fiberglass driveway reflectors, it will save you a ton of money in the long run.

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