Attention all contractors! Anyone who orders 5 or more spreaders gets a FREE Discount Snow Stakes YETI Koozi! We’ve made a ton of upgrades too, see below.


One of the biggest upgrades we have made to the Ice Master 5000 is higher quality hardware. All of the screws, bolts and plates are a higher tougher grade of stainless steel. This goes for the gear box as well. This means that overall connectivity and day to day operation is markedly improved.

Our spreader also comes with a rain guard, internal salt grill and deflector kit. Other models sell their spreader for the same price, but without these important features. The rain guard can protect the salt from the elements which enables better spreader operation. The salt grill prevents clumping and help the salt to flow a little more freely in the spreader. The deflector kit allows you to control how far out you want the salt to spread.

As snow removal professionals, it is imperative that you have good quality professional grade equipment. The Ice Master 5000

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