Thanksgiving is a tricky time to get your snow stakes. November is go time and pretty much every contractor is trying to get staking finalized. Waiting until all snow removal agreements come through and bids get accepted can go well into the month, so marking properties might not even be an option until late November. So inevitably, we run into Thanksgiving and the shipping schedules go all out of whack.

UPS is our preferred shipper and we use them for 90% of all of our shipments. As big and efficient as they are, even they get over loaded at this time of year. So it is very important that you get your driveway markers orders in before Thanksgiving.

The simple breakdown is that Thanksgiving is not a shipping day. So if you ordered Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving and you had a three day shipment, it would not arrive to your door step until Tuesday November 29th.

Anyway, driveway marker season is here and it’s time to get these things ordered and on their way. If you have any questions at all about shipping times for your snow stakes, snow shovels or walk behind salt spreaders, let us know!

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