Snow Stakes diameter is very important when determining what size you will invest in. There are 1/4″, 5/16″ and 3/8″ diameter driveway markers. Each diameter has its pros and cons.

1/4″ Driveway Markers
These stakes are low cost and a better alternative to wooden stakes. The issue is the flexibility. Because there is much less fiberglass in the stake than the ticker diameters, they tend to be almost too pliable. I would say for big companies on a budget that order a lot of driveway stakes, these work. Also, these are good for homeowners that only need a few stakes but do not want to spend a lot.
5/16″ Driveway Stakes
This is really the sweet spot for driveway markers. These stakes have enough fiberglass where the stake is rigid enough to drive into the ground easily. Also, because of the super composites we use in our stakes, they are extremely flexible and durable.
3/8″ Snow Stakes
Stakes with 3/8″ are extremely thick and durable. Very high quality and they offer perfect visibility. The price on these are a little higher because of the amount of fiberglass required to make the stakes. 3/8″ are not necessary in most applications.