Most snow plow contractors know all too well how to install driveway markers. 4 ft stakes? No problem! 5 Ft? No problem! But once the snow stakes get into the 6 ft and 8 ft range, the install process can be a little tricky. The basic process of installing in warmer months becomes more time consuming when the ground starts to harden or freeze. Once 8 ft snow stakes are entered into the equation, it is important to have a game plan to minimize the amount of prep and install time this will take. Here are 3 quick and easy steps for fast and safe installation.

  1. Create the hole for the snow stake. You should be using an install tool for the 8 foot markers. Either the Shark Tooth Drill Bit, or the Driveway Marker Install Tool PRO. Both of these tools will help you easily create a deep enough hole to get the stake straight and safely into ground.
  2. Climb the ladder! Literally…. Unless you’re Shaq, you will need to get above the stake to hammer it appropriately into the ground. Only safe and effective way to do this is to use a ladder during your installation. Ideally, you want to get your 8 ft markers installed about a foot into the ground. This will ensure that they don’t come out of the ground due to contact during the plowing season.
  3. Hammer em in. Use a rubber mallet to pound the stake into the ground. The rubber mallet protects the stake cap. The install tool is a better option because it can be used as a slide hammer to get the stake deeper into the ground with less force.
what size driveway markers

Overall 8 ft snow stakes installation can be tricky, but with the right game plan and the proper tools, your team can get them in the ground in a snap.

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