If you go online and take a look at snow stakes, one word comes to mind, ORANGE. Everywhere you look are orange stakes here and orange stakes there. Sure, you see the occasional yellow and green driveway marker, and even a few other different colors but, do you want your stakes to stand out from your neighbors or the snow plow competition? Maybe you want to reduce theft? Here are some options to get some attention with your markers in the snow plow community and stand out.

The first limited edition snow stake we carry is the 4 ft PRO Line Green with blue reflective tape. This stake is a great twist on the traditional green PRO line. The blue reflective tape is very original and really can help your driveway markers stand out from everyone else. Also, a lot of landscape companies have green and blue as their company colors, so it is an easy way to match them for branding purposes.

The second limited edition snow stake we carry are red with yellow reflective tape. This option for stakes is awesome for our municipality customers. These stakes have the powerful safety colors that jump out at plow drivers and instantly show where the landscape is starting.

The last limited edition driveway marker we offer are the white with blue reflective tape option. These are blizzard white, so if blending in with the snow scape is a goal with your markers, these are perfect for you. With the high res blue reflective tape, these are still impossible to miss on night time plowing.
So, our custom driveway markers are a great option to stand out. The colors are not offered by anyone else except Discount Snow Stakes, and we only produce a limited amount each season. This allows you to have a very original snow stake and stand out from the competition. Also, it is less likely that people would steal snow stakes that are different from everyone else. No snow plow contractor wants to steal a snow stake that no one else has!

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